1. 遺伝統計解析手法の開発(Development of statistical genetics methods)
・ 疾患ゲノム情報に基づくマイクロRNAスクリーニング手法(MIGWAS)[link]
・ メタゲノムワイド関連解析による腸内細菌叢・ウイルス叢の解明 [link]
・ バイオマーカーHLA/KIR遺伝子型の網羅的探索手法(HLA/KIR imputation法) [link]
・ 深層学習によるHLA imputation法(DEEP*HLA) [link]
・ 疾患ゲノム情報に基づくドラッグ・リポジショニング手法 [link]
・ 国際バイオバンク連携によるヒト疾患遺伝的背景の解明 [link]
We study statistical genetics, which uses statistical methods to identify the connection between large-scale genomic data with a wide range of clinical diseases and phenotypes. We aim to gain insights into complex biology of human diseases by developing novel statistical methods and performing integrative data analyses across different fields.
- Selected methods our group has developed -
・ MIGWAS; a software to detect genome-wide miRNA-gene enrichment signal [link]
・ Gut microbiome & virome analysis by metagenome-wide associatino study [link]
・ HLA/KIR imputation with population-specific reference panel [link]
・ DEEP learnina-based HLA imputation method(DEEP*HLA) [link]
・ Drug repositioning software utilizing disease genetics data [link]
・ Cross-biobank analysis to elucidate human disease biology [link]
2. 疾患感受性遺伝子探索と病態解明(Disease-associated genes and biology)
We have been leading numerous large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWASs) with global collaborators. Beyond GWAS, we also conduct rare variant association studies using whole-genome or whole-exome sequencing data, and try to elucidate how genomic differences among individuals are causing the differences in disease onset throughout lifetime.。
3. バイオインフォマティクスによるゲノム創薬(Genetics-driven drug discovery)
We integrate various kinds of genomics data with drug database, and aim to identify novel therapeutic targets, potentially repositionable drugs, and novel biomarkers.